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Four Interesting Facts about Catatumbo Lightning

Catatumbo Lightning

The Catatumbo lightning is a unique meteorological phenomenon in the world that occurs at night in the same geographical area in Venezuela.
It consists of an extreme and continuous discharge of thunder and lightning that occurs between 260 to 300 days a year, generating around 250 lightning per square kilometer. The color and sound of this natural phenomenon make it an interesting place for everyone.


What are Catatumbo lightnings?

Catatumbo lightning is a natural meteorological phenomenon, unique worldwide. It is characterized by the appearance of a large number of lightning bolts and electrical storms that occur during the night in the same geographical area of ​​Venezuela, specifically in the Catatumbo region near Lake Maracaibo in the state of Zulia. This phenomenon develops between the coordinates of 9°31'02.7"N and 9°39'47.4"N latitude, and 72°06'57.2"W and 71°38'25.6"W longitude, covering a very large area. extensive, although not all of it has the same stormy activity.

Why is it a unique natural phenomenon in the world?

    Information from various investigations on Catatumbo lightning indicates that this phenomenon occurs between 260 and 300 days a year, generating an average of 250 lightning bolts per square kilometer.     This makes this area the only place on the planet with the highest generation of lightning per square kilometer, recognized in the Guinness Book of Records since 2013. According to the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), when This phenomenon occurs, it is estimated that it would generate enough energy to illuminate 100 million light bulbs, and 10 minutes of Catatumbo lightning would be enough to illuminate all of South America.

What are the causes that produce it?

   Numerous investigations have been carried out on the origin or causes of the Catatumbo lightning phenomenon. Some of the most important are: Orography, winds and, humidity are basic components in the formation of Catatumbo rays.     The discharges are the product of highly vertically developed clouds or cumulonimbus, which reach altitudes between 12 and almost 16 kilometers, the maximum level of the troposphere.     The high humidity in Lake Maracaibo and the temperature differences in the area are main factors in the formation of storm clouds.     Lightning originates due to large differences in charges between the lower part of the clouds (negative) and the surface and its elements (negative charge), manifesting visually with a strong glow. This imbalance is solved by the transfer of electricity (lightning), which usually causes sounds due to the phenomena of expansion and contraction of the air (thunder).

Effects on the regeneration of the ozone layer

    Some researchers have published that storms are part of the mechanisms that generate atmospheric ozone. They also call Catatumbo lightning an "ozone factory" due to its high density of electrical discharges and an average of 250 lightning bolts per square kilometer.

    However, other authors maintain that the ozone formed in storms, especially that produced by the Catatumbo lightning, tends to stay in the lower layers and, consequently, does not reach the stratosphere.     They consider it unlikely that the ozone produced by Catatumbo's rays will help regenerate the ozone layer. These investigations are hypotheses that generate debates and require more specialized studies to determine their validity with greater scientific rigor.

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