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Coffee vs. Tea: Which one Is Healthier?

Coffee vs. Tea

    In order to establish a comparative framework and guide us in the analysis to determine which of the two drinks is healthier, tea or coffee, it is necessary to refer to a substance present in both drinks: caffeine.
Table of Contents

What is caffeine? 

    Caffeine is a chemical compound that belongs to the xanthine group, being an alkaloid that is characterized as a natural psychoactive substance. It is present in coffee, tea , chocolate, some soft drinks and energy drinks and in several pain medicines.

Amounts of caffeine in tea and coffee

           Beverage                 Cup (ml)                 Concentration range (mg)
           Black tea                    240                         40 -70
           Oolong tea                 240                         30 -50 
           Green tea                  240                         20 -45                   
           White tea                   240                         15 -30
           Espresso Coffee         30                          63 - 126
           Black coffee               240                         95 -165

    These quantities are averages reported in the literature and are subject to variation, depending on brands, preparation time and growing conditions. 

Effects of caffeine on human health

    The consumption of caffeinated beverages, whether tea or coffee, is part of daily life for many people in the world. Caffeine, when consumed, can have stimulating effects, but it also has adverse effects on people's health, depending on the amounts ingested and the sensitivity of each of them. Some effects at the human body level are listed below: 

    Nervous system: Caffeine blocks adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep and relaxation, as well as other neurotransmitters related to wakefulness, alertness, and increased energy.

    Cardiovascular system:  Caffeine may temporarily slightly increase blood pressure and heart rate.

    Cancer:  Caffeine has been mentioned as a source of antioxidants and has been attributed with possible effects in reducing some types of cancer. 

    Diuretics: caffeine can have diuretic effects, increasing urine production; This fluid loss must be balanced with greater fluid consumption to avoid dehydration.

    Anxiety: High caffeine consumption can cause anxiety, nervousness or tremors, especially in sensitive people.

    Addiction and tolerance:  Regular consumption of caffeine can lead to dependence and consequently, some people may develop tolerance, which would involve consuming more caffeine to experience the same signs


    In conclusion, determining which drink, tea or coffee, is the healthiest depends on the individual response to caffeine consumption and that response will often be conditioned by factors, such as health, age, amounts ingested, frequency, etc. It is essential to keep in mind that the key to maintaining a healthy balance is in moderation in the consumption of either drink, regardless of personal preferences. If frequent consumption of any of these drinks causes symptoms such as nervousness, insomnia, or tremors, it is recommended to seek medical advice. It is true that for equal volumes of tea or coffee, tea is the one that has the lowest amounts of caffeine and if If you want to minimize the risks of the symptoms described above, it is best to drink tea or reduce your usual daily consumption of coffee, but it is advisable to consult a doctor.

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