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Use of Artificial Intelligence AI in College Education

Use of AI

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) urgently raises the formulation and implementation of new  curricular  designs  for  the  various  careers  in  universities  with the aim of preparing students for current and future challenges.


    It is essential that higher education institutions adapt and update their study programs to reflect the necessary technological changes and train students for a new work, scientific and professional environment. As important and fundamental as the new curricular designs is the need for the positive potential of artificial intelligence to be used in a balanced and comprehensive manner with the ethical and moral values ​​of society in general. It is in this phase where teacher intervention is essential.

    In summary, the implementation of artificial intelligence in higher education improves efficiency, personalization and accessibility, but tutoring and teacher supervision remain essential tasks to provide comprehensive support to the student and achieve quality education. The use of new technologies combined with good and correct human intervention sets the tone for student success.

Does artificial intelligence mark a new paradigm in university education?

    Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) is marking a new paradigm in curricular designs in higher education and, consequently, in the training of a university professional prepared for present and future challenges.

The impact of artificial intelligence on higher education:

  The impact of Artificial Intelligence at the level of higher education is due, among other reasons:

    a. New fields of study: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing and ethics of artificial intelligence.

    b. Advanced tools and methods: Use of new machine learning algorithms for data analysis, process automation and improved decision making.

    c. Personalization of learning: AI allows personalization of learning, adapting to individual needs and learning style. Improve academic performance through intelligent tutoring systems, which can provide personalized feedback. 

    d. Practical and applied approach: Academic programs can integrate practical projects that involve the development and implementation of solutions based on artificial intelligence. This implementation provides students with practical, applied experience that is relevant to the current and future work environment.

    e. Emphasis on complementary skills: In addition to technical skills, AI also provides soft skills such as critical thinking, ethical problem solving, and collaboration. Professionals must be able to critically evaluate the results of AI models and consequently make ethical decisions in their application.

   f . Cross-discipline integration: AI is not limited to a specific discipline; but rather it is integrated transversally with different disciplines. It does not matter what career a student pursues to benefit from Artificial Intelligence.

Contributions of artificial intelligence in new curricular designs:

    Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in the new curricular designs of different careers in higher education, helping to adapt them to the new demands and present and future realities of a globalized world in constant technological evolution. . Listed below are some contributions of AI to be taken into account by specialists in the area of ​​higher education curricular design:

    a. Personalized adaptation: AI systems can analyze students' individual strengths and weaknesses, providing a personalized learning approach.

    b. In the economic and labor field: Artificial intelligence can analyze employment data in a specific country or state and provide relevant information such as analysis of labor trends, identification of required skills, alignment with economic development and forecasting future needs. The information provided may be relevant in curricular design.  

  c. Simulations and virtual laboratories: In careers such as medicine, engineering and architecture, AI can facilitate the creation of virtual environments and simulations that allow students to practice skills and face “realistic” situations without risks. This improves practical training and the application of theoretical knowledge.

  d. Specialized academic advising: AI systems can provide personalized advising to students in all disciplines, helping them choose courses and paths based on their interests, skills and career goals.

    It is also timely to highlight that artificial intelligence introduces a new  variable to consider within the academic, research and administrative field in higher education. This variable is the time savings obtained by automating various tasks inherent to the aforementioned areas. This new element could be taken into account in the study of new curricular designs or in a reengineering of the activities that arise as a result of the new dynamics caused by the implementation of artificial intelligence. However, it will be the responsibility of the specialists in the area to make the final decision, as long as it is relevant to consider time savings as a new variable to take into account.

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