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Differences between cow's and plant based milk


     Choosing a certain type of milk to be able to enjoy it in a conscious and healthy way will depend on several factors, such as personal preferences, health conditions and dietary needs. In the case at hand, the intake of milk, whether cow's or plant-based, is related to individual health conditions.
Table of Contents

The different types of milk and their properties

    Cow's milk: All cow's milk generally contains, for one cup, the same sugar content, 12 grams of lactose (natural sugar), regardless of whether it is whole, low-fat or skim milk. In the same way, cow's milk is a source of vitamins, fats, lactose, minerals, immunoglobulin and antioxidants and hormones and growth factors.

    Lactose-free: Lactose-free milk is that obtained by adding the enzyme lactase to break down lactose, but this process does not influence the variation in sugar content.

    Almond: It is prepared from almonds, it does not contain lactose, but the amounts of sugar will always be less than that of cow's milk; However, it is necessary to check the nutritional label, as some brands may add sugars to improve the flavor

    Soy: Soy milk naturally contains sugars, but it varies between brands. Just like almond milk, some manufacturers add sugar to improve the flavor. Soy milk is the most common substitute for cow's milk in the United States. When comparing soy milk with almond and oat milk, soy milk has a higher amount of protein per serving. If it is fortified, adding calcium and vitamin D, it increases calcium absorption in proportions similar to that of cow's milk, despite the fact that different types of vegetable milk contain high levels of phytate and oxalate, which are substances that can block absorption. calcium absorption.

    Oatmeal, rice and coconut: These are known, like almond and soy, as popular alternatives for people who follow vegetarian diets. These types of milk may lack some nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D; Consequently, it is necessary to ensure that these alternative milks are fortified with the aforementioned nutrients. 

    Fortified milk: Additional nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids, are added to some types of milk. It can be used, under the supervision of a health professional, to treat people with deficiencies of the mentioned nutrients.

The harmful impact of sugar in milk on people's health

    Cow's milk generally does not represent any risk or harm to the health of healthy people. Milk is part of a balanced diet and is commonly consumed by the inhabitants of countless countries. It is a rich and complete nutritional source that provides a variety of essential nutrients for the development and maintenance of people's health. Likewise, it is a source of proteins, calcium, vitamins, fats, lactose, minerals, immunoglobulins and antioxidants. The sugar naturally present in different types of milk, as well as those added in excessive quantities, have various negative effects on people's health, and can even aggravate the symptoms of people with underlying diseases, whether diagnosed or not.

Diseases and problems associated with the consumption of excess sugar in milk

    There are countless diseases or problems related to the uncontrolled consumption of sugar present or added to different types of milk, among these we list below those of greatest interest:

    Metabolic disorders: Excessive sugar consumption, even with milk, can contribute to metabolic problems such as insulin resistance, hypertension and type 2 diabetes and obesity. 

    Lactose intolerance problems: Some people are intolerant to lactose, the natural sugar in milk. This can cause digestive problems such as gas, bloating and diarrhea.

    Milk allergy: Some people may be allergic to milk proteins.

    Dental problems: Sugar added to milk can contribute to the formation of dental cavities if good oral hygiene is not maintained.

    Inflammation: Excess sugar in foods, including that added to milk, can cause inflammation in the body, which is linked to different chronic diseases.

What type of milk to drink according to health conditions

     Dietary needs can vary significantly depending on individual health conditions. In this sense, it is important to take into account various factors to consider when choosing the type of milk to suggest for consumption, as shown in the following table:


        Illness(es) or health problems

        Suggested type(s) of milk(*)

Lactose intolerance

Cow, lactose-free or lactose-free

metabolic problems 

Cow, low fat or skim or almond, soy or coconut, no added sugar


Soy or oats, preferably fortified


Cow, low fat and no added sugar or fortified plant-based and no added sugar


Milk without added sugar


Almond, skim cow or oats without added sugar

* The correct and important thing is to consult with a health professional or a dietician to obtain personalized guidance in response to the specific conditions of each individual.


    Food and drink are essential to maintaining the health and functioning of the body. A balanced diet and adequate hydration are the keys to overall well-being. In this sense, it is significantly important to be attentive to the quality and quantity of foods and beverages that should be consumed to ensure optimal nutrition and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The best way to enjoy a drink or food consciously is one that does not cause any harm to people's health; On the contrary, the purpose is to maintain or improve health. 

    However, when there are underlying diseases, the application of the word “enjoyment” becomes a more existential concept that has to do with a new approach. Here, enjoying becomes having a quality life, and this is the purpose and reason of trying to raise awareness through this article, which allows you to enjoy other milk options so that the negative effects produced by a certain type of milk are be reversed by consuming the appropriate one(s) according to individual health conditions.


    Dietary recommendations suggest controlling the intake of added sugars; So when choosing any type of milk, it is useful to check the nutritional labels, in order to choose, according to the sugar content, the one of your preference or the one that corresponds to the range of the diet. The same procedure is followed when the variable to be controlled is the fat present in the milk.

    Moderation in the consumption of milk, both cow's and vegetable, refers to the idea of ​​consuming these products in a balanced and limited way, avoiding excesses that could be harmful. Portions are also part of this idea of ​​balanced consumption.

    When it is not possible to adapt to the taste of some milks due to their flavors, since preferences can vary from one person to another, no-calorie or low-calorie sweeteners such as stevia, sucralose or erythritol or natural sweeteners such as honey or maple syrup. These sweeteners are preferably suggested to those who are lactose intolerant or allergic. Those with diabetes should consult with their doctor.

    It is important to note that dietary needs normally vary by person, therefore it is recommended to consult with a health professional or nutritionist in order to obtain the necessary information based on health conditions.

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